Friday, March 20, 2020

March 20th corona virus

After a month or so of cautionary living, we have finally had our schools closed.  Social distancing is really starting and the anxiety of even thinking about entertaining everyone with no ability to invite friends is causing me to stress eat already and schools aren’t Closed until Monday!  I actually fluctuate between “ This is gonna be great” and panic hourly.  I actually am looking forward to extra time, but am also anxious about wasting it.  My plans include lots of hiking, going to the beach, watching some movies, deep cleaning, sewing, singing, making a cool lip sync video, swimming and exercising daily...I may have a few too many ideas....

The hard part is trying to decide how seriously to take the social distancing.  So far we’ve still been going v to restaurants... and nature.... and if course the commissary.  Also I’ve done a few things with friends, but not too much.  It just gets lonely.  Well, I’m sure we’ll be fine, but we’ll see!