Monday, January 28, 2008

Halloween 2007

This year the kids and I made wooden grave stones for our yard using the jigsaw Matt and Colleen gave us for Christmas last year. I can't tell you how much I enjoy using that saw! It's so powerful! It was so fun to just randomly decide one boring saturday that instead of organizing and cleaning our eternally messy home we would instead make our grave stones out of random scraps of wood. The kids had a lot of fun painting their own stones and writing things about themselves on them. We all wrote that we were dying on 10/31/2007 which I suppose was just tempting fate to have us all get in a fatal car accident that night (having written down our deaths weeks before) but we managed to survive the night and now have 5 very large tombstones competing for space in our attic. That really was probably one of my favorite parts of this Halloween, but of course there was also the pumpkin carving, ward party, the school party/performance, and actual Halloween night, Not to mention WAAAAAAY too much candy.

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