Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Squash smoothies!

I know what you're thinking. Disgusting right? But it really was pretty good! This morning for breakfast I made smoothies for the kids using a jar of bottled apricots, 1 c. of pureed hubbard squash, a tangerine, a half eaten banana and a bunch of ice. I really liked it. You couldn't taste the squash at all and there was enough sugar in the bottle of apricots that I didn't need to add any sugar either. I feel almost healthy :) We also had squash muffins (with chocolate chips, can't really be that healthy) and oatmeal. Yes, I'm turning into my dad. I didn't tell the kids there was squash in any thing so they did pretty well with everything. I had leftover muffins for joy school (it was my turn) and lots of the kids had seconds. I just feel so proud.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

that's awesome! you should be proud. Maybe you could share your recipe for the muffins??