Saturday, July 31, 2010

Kathryn Marie Rowberry

Here are some lovely pictures of our new baby Kate! Michelle and "Beanbag". The nickname Michelle has given her sister since she was in utero.

Her eyes are actually open! She sleeps a ton! (Which we appreciate!)

The whole family Lt to right: Joey, Justin, Kate, Megan, John, Samantha, Michelle, Nathan.

Kathryn Marie Rowberry was born at 5:16 am at St. Raphael's hospital in New Haven. She was 8 lbs. 9 oz. 21 inches. She has lots of dark brown hair and so far sleeps a lot. Thank goodness! The kids all still fight over who gets to hold her. Labor started at 3:53 am, so it was a pretty quick labor again. In fact, the doctor went into the other room to grab my records, and when he came back, the baby was already born. Luckily she came when my sister was still staying with me, so she was able to watch the kids. I was really nervous about getting child care before we had to leave for the hospital, since we are so new to the area. Maia was so great about staying to help us out until my parents got here.


Ryan and Nicole said...

Congratulations on your new little one :) She is so precious! I can't believe how big Michelle has gotten, I remember when she was born, now she is a big sister...crazy!

Janae Walker said...

yahoo! congrats! sorry that i have not called yet....i keep forgetting! she is adorable :)

Jen said...

Congrats, you guys!!!