Thursday, October 27, 2011

Summer's greatest hits

So today as I was helping Samantha take out the garbage it actually started snowing!!  SNOWING!!!  I just barely convinced the kids that they can't go to school in shorts any more.  Winter is sneaking up on me way too fast.  Anyway, I figured it was time to finally post the last of our summer pictures.

This first series is a group of pictures that the kids took one day when they were bored.  They were pretending to be super heroes and took pictures showing their super powers. 

 Michelle is super strong.  See how her fist of fury knocks Joseph right out!
 Samantha is water woman.  She controls water. 
 Joseph can fly!

The kids played A LOT on the trampoline this summer.  Unfortunately, it ripped just recently and we had to take it down until we can get it fixed.  Bummer!  But it's allowed the kids to remember that they like to do other outside activities like ride bikes and scooters too.  Also, since it's been down, I haven't had to referee all the neighbor kids (and my kids) who like to play rough games on the tramp. 

A big highlight of the summer was the marriage of Justin's youngest sister Kristy to James Wilcox.  It was a fast and furious weekend drive to DC to the wedding and back, but a lot of fun.  We left Nathan, Michelle and John at Aunt Maia's house in New Jersey and headed over to DC with Samantha, Joseph, and Kate.  It was nice to have such a small group of kids.  The wedding was beautiful and even though it rained for pictures, we all had a nice time.  We didn't meet James until the actual wedding and really haven't had a chance to really get to know anything about him.  However, they seem to be doing well.
 Kristy and James and all of the kids who were there. 
 Kristy and her bridesmaids.  So cute!!!!!!

Another summer event: riding a ripstick downhill = 8 hours in the ER, 6 stictches, 4 large scrapes, and a huge bruise on the hip.  All this happened on my Birthday.  At least Justin was able to get home from work to take him to the ER. 
 Joey's chin (stitches
 Bruise on the hip.  This is what took the longest time.  They were worried that he might have some trauma in his innards because Xrays showed that he had fluid in his body cavity.  Luckily it was nothing, but they had to wait for the trauma team to come to verify that everything was OK.

Lots of random picture taking by my kids.  I have millions of extreme close up body shots.  Mainly eyes, lips and fingers. 

It all ends with the climax of the first day of school.  Here's all the kids outside ready to go to school!!  Goodbye summer!

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