Friday, May 15, 2009

Mother's Day

My mother's day was awesome this year. To begin with Justin took the boys camping on Friday and Saturday so the girls got to watch chick flicks and go shopping. It was great, I even got a new swimming suit! Then on Sunday Justin did all of the cooking, the kids brought out their various Mother's day gifts from school and Justin got everyone to give me a spa treatment. Joey and John gave back rubs, Nathan fed me ice cream and Samantha gave me a pedicure. It was really sweet (even though the end product left a little to be desired.)
I tried to take some pictures of the kids to send to grandma, but they never quite cooperated so I didn't really get any good ones. They were so cute all dressed up though.
Here are some purses I made for my mom and mother in law for mother's day. I just got a new sewing machine and these were my first project on it. I've never made bags before, but they were fun. I was really pleased with the outcome.


Nichole said...

Cute bags. Were they hard to make? I am not a technical seamstress, but maybe I could venture into bag making sometime. I love your toenail picture. What a good sport you are!

Megan said...

Bags are pretty easy, the pockets and lining were probably the hardest part, but certainly much easier than that fabulous quilt you made! And quicker too. I just picked up a pattern at walmart for a couple of dollars, although you could probably find a free one online some where.

Anonymous said...

Finally checking in...
Love the pedicure. Justin couldn't have done it better himself!